Accelerate Sales Coaching 1.5 Days

Accelerate Sales Coaching is delivered over two phases beginning with a 1.5 day training workshop where Sales Managers are introduced to a sales coaching framework for directive and discovery coaching. The attendees learn how to engage in critical interactive listening skills and practice using the framework for coaching conversations. Following the workshop, Sales Managers reinforce the coaching framework with their direct reports over 10-12 weeks receiving time sensitive one-on-one coaching support from an M2eX coach.

Participant Profile:

Groups of sales managers within an organization who have little or no formal coaching training

Participants will be able to:

  • Adopt a proven and disciplined approach that facilitates highly effective, results oriented coaching conversations that elevate sales team productivity and revenue growth
  • Immediately apply their coaching to time sensitive sales opportunity coaching situations with direct reports and guided by one-on-one support from an M2eX coach
  • Leverage the Directive and Discovery Framework and coaching support tools to foster the mastery of sales coaching and help ensure key sales performance and revenue objectives are realized

Personalized Sales Manager Coaching Customized Duration

M2Execution’s Personalized Sales Manager Coaching Solution sharpens the vision and augments the leadership capabilities of a front line sales manager who has lapsed or little coaching training. Customized 1:1 situational coaching sessions spanning over 10 to 12 weeks with an experienced M2eX coach.

Participant Profile:

New or Front line sales managers who have lapsed or little coaching training

Participants will gain:

  • The structure, focus and support required to fulfill the unique coaching skills and competency gaps for an individual sales manager empowering them to address the ongoing challenges within their sales team with confidence
  • Personalized, targeted guidance aimed at helping the sales manager streamline priorities and execute coaching action plans to help direct reports achieve growth and revenue goals while ensuring their own personal success
  • Assistance with how to effectively approach sales performance management program as well as the various documentation related requirements in the management of their sales team

Ready to define and close sales execution gaps? Yes, tell me how

Sales Team Coaching Customized Duration

Our Sales Team Coaching Solution helps experienced sales managers by establishing an active partnership with an M2eX coach with the objective of efficiently meeting the varied coaching needs of the sales team. The M2eX Coach acts as a lifeline, enabling overextended sales managers by providing tactical directive and discovery sales coaching to their sales professionals, guided by sales strategies established by the sales manager.

Participant Profile:

Experienced Sales Managers who have time constraints preventing sufficient 1:1 coaching

Participation will enable:

  • Experienced sales managers to provide mid-level players with time sensitive coaching of a highly experienced M2eX sales coach to help advance opportunities while developing key fundamental selling skills and competencies
  • Built in accountability for sales professionals as they consistently analyze and articulate their current sales opportunity stage, prepare pre call plans, conduct post call analysis and create sales action plans to share with their sales manager
  • The M2eX Coach to provide time sensitive tactical coaching to the sales team while providing consistent updates and frequent insight to the sales manager and adhering to his/her established sales strategies and objectives

Are you ready to help your mid tier players move the needle? Yes, let’s boost the mid tier players!

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